Monday, April 11, 2011

Dear Parents, Caregivers and Friends of

St Mary’s School, Well Week Eleven already and how the term has flown. As you can see this is a special end of the term newsletter with lots of photos to highlight the activities and experiences that the children have had access to over the term.

The weather on Sunday was excellent for our ‘working bee’ and a huge thank you to all of you who came along to help. 70m3 ofwoodchips to spread sounds like a lot and it was, but as the old saying goes ‘many hands make light work’.

Schools in these tough economic times, survive mainly through generous acts. Whether those are people giving up their Sundays to attend working bees or serving on committees or coaching sports teams or going on outings or camps. The fact is that without this help schools would find giving the best to the children that much harder. So thank you to all of you who help us, in whatever capacity your generosity is a true act of Christian kindness.

Have a great week and a happy and safe holiday.

Mike Brosnahan

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