Dear Parents, Caregivers and Friends of St Mary’s School,
Here we are in Week Ten and what a busy term it has been .
The end of this term is one that is especially poignant as it is the last newsletter that will come out with Mrs Simmons on the staff. Anne Simmons has worked at St Mary’s School for 26 years, 24 of them consecutively, in these times of people changing their job every few years this is an amazing example of loyalty.
Loyalty is how we will best remember Mrs Simmons’ time at St Mary’s, loyalty not just to a person but loyalty to an institution and a concept. Over her 36 years of teaching Mrs Simmons has seen many changes in education, changes in teaching techniques, changes in the resources used, massive changes in the resources used, and massive changes in how schools and education is administered and in how teachers are trained. But despite all this, the compass she has used, and it is a challenge to all educators, is to ask the question: what is best for the children?
If we use this compass our children will receive the education that they deserve.
So as we say goodbye to Mrs Simmons from St Mary’s School we wish her well in her retirement. I know that she plans to travel around visiting her grandchildren and I hope she will still find time to come and spend time with her friends at St Mary’s.
We are holding a Mass on Friday 1.30pm to farewell Mrs Simmons and you are all co-cordially invited
-see attached notice.
Have a happy and safe holiday
Mike Brosnahan
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