Tuesday, September 15, 2015


Dear Parents, Caregivers and Friends of St Mary’s School,

On Friday I had the opportunity to show a Principal from Invercargill around St Mary’s. The school he is from is getting an upgrade in the near future and he wanted to find out what worked well in our school. I was very proud to be able to show him around and for him to see our wonderful facilities and the children working hard in each of the classrooms. He was very impressed with all that he saw.
When you have the chance to see things through someone else’s eyes it can help you appreciate what you have. 

Pauline and I made some suggestions, which he could see the value in, although they would not necessarily work in his community as every school is different. To me that is what a school is – a place that is relevant to the community they are in and a place that is always striving to improve.

One of the key aspects of the wellbeing survey we sent out last week was to give parents and whānau an opportunity to give us feedback so that we can continue to move forward.

The children also completed a survey and we received some good feedback on their feelings about their school, what they see as important and how we can continue to improve.

Thank you to those who took the time to fill in the survey, we really value your input and the BOT will look to see how we can use your comments and suggestions to make our school even better.

Have a great week.
Lindsay Stevens

(Acting Principal)

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