Tuesday, September 15, 2015


Dear Parents, Caregivers and Friends of St Mary’s School,

This week I have been very lucky to observe and be involved in various aspects of teamwork.
The Stars on Stage performance on Thursday night epitomised teamwork. The children appeared nervous back stage before their item but once on stage they worked as a team to give a great performance. Thank you to Lisa Matheson and Judy Baines for all the work they did enabling the children to perform as a cohesive team.
I also saw great teamwork at netball on Saturday. The children worked really well together, encouraging and supporting each other and both teams came away with well deserved wins.
The teachers and support staff work hard as a team to provide opportunities for the children so their learning is interesting and motivating.
There are also a lot of other teams working behind the scenes. The PTA continually work as a team- they break off into sub committees and work together on a variety of projects for the benefit of our children and school.
The BOT are another example of people working together to make sure the school is functioning as well as it can. Today I saw a father and son team working together cleaning up and maintaining our school. I often see a whole family working in the garden and tidying it up.
A big thank you to all of the teams who continually work to make our school the best it can be.

Have a good week.
Lindsay Stevens
(Acting Principal)

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