Dear Parents, Caregivers and Friends of St
Mary’s School,
One of our Mercy values is Respect. Last
week I asked a class, what does it mean?
The children responded with some good ideas
but found it hard to give a definition. They could give examples of some things
they could do, like respect the environment by picking up rubbish but couldn’t
really describe what respect is in
relation to each other.
Here are some definitions and ideas about
what respect is:
· to show regard or
consideration for the feelings, wishes, or rights of others.
· to admire their
abilities, qualities, or achievements.
· respect can be both
given and/or received.
· respect can be
something that is earned or built over time.
· continued caring
interactions are required to maintain or increase feelings of respect among
If we can teach
our children to understand what respect is, it must surely help to develop positive
interactions with each other.
It seems to be
easier to respect our elders but we also need to work on respecting our siblings
and peers, which can sometimes be harder.
When talking to
the children we discussed how we are all different from each other and if we
can respect peoples differences we find it easier to get on together.
Have a good
Lindsay Stevens
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