Dear Parents,
Caregivers and Friends of St Mary’s School,
This week we have been given two excellent examples of commitment,
courage and determination with Richie McCaw (All Blacks Captain) and Casey Kopua (Silver
Ferns Captain – netball).
Richie McCaw is
now the most capped rugby captain and the most capped player of test rugby of
all time.
This is a huge
achievement in the rugby world. McCaw has met a number of challenges on the way
but through determination and commitment he has reached an amazing milestone.
Casey Kopua has
also shown commitment, determination and especially courage coming back from a
severe injury, to again play at the top of her field.
It was lovely to
see the children displaying commitment and determination at the sports exchange
with St Joseph’s on Thursday and again at netball on Saturday.
We might not all
reach such high honours as Richie and Casey, but if we show these same attributes
we will have more chance of reaching our potential in whatever we are trying to
Have a great week.
Lindsay Stevens
Acting Principal
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