Monday, May 24, 2010

4 may 2010

Dear Parents, Caregivers and Friends of St Mary’s School,

Recently I have been reading the book
Invictus, the book deals with the trials and tribulations that Nelson Manndala had to go through to form modern South Africa, out of the ashes of the Apartheid era state.
He had to weld together a majority who had enjoyed no political rights, few civil rights with a minority who saw themselves as superior to their fellow citizens.
The fact that he had remarkable success is now history - the how is, on reflection, relatively simple - he treated all people, even those whose ideals he totally opposed, with respect.
Feeling respected they worked with him rather than against him.
Respect is treating someone as you would like them to treat you.

Have a great week.
Regards, Mike Brosnahan

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